Love Yourself, Friends


Depression is a medical condition in the form of a sad feeling that has a negative impact on a person's thoughts, actions, feelings, and mental health. Depresssion can also be a symptom of psychiatric disorders.

'Love yourself'

'Don't damage yourself'

Those are words that we often hear. We often even say. But it is very difficult to do. I experienced it myself. And maybe there are also many people who experience it. All we do is say without proving it. 

Then how to love yoursel? Myself too?

It might sound silly but wouldn't you expect too much from someone to hurt your psyche?                
Physically it will be fine, then what about your inner state? Mentally, your mind will be disappointed, even desperate. 

Without realizing there are a few percent of us experiencing, depression, even when you feel fine.
Someone told me not to harbor emotions too deeply. Especially if by expressing it you will feel better. You can tell it with your close friends if you feel awkward with your parents. But in my opinion, the best friend in the family is mother. Even though I often tell my brother.

Caused of Depression

Depression is usually caused by :

Emotional Suppression 

Submitting emotions after losing someone who is loved or betrayed can make a person become depressed.

Bad Diet

Lack of certain vitamins and mineral can trigger symptons of depression.

Genetic factors

Having parents or siblings with depression can increase a person's risk of depression. Can also have a problem family.

Biological Factor

Depression can occur due to insufficient levels of serotonin in the brain. This condition is known as clinical depression.

Environmental Factors

Such as work or school environment. Stress on assignments can sometimes also trigger depressions.


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